Thistle Dew! Farms, Teas 'n Bees

 Tips on Drinking Tea

There are many substances which are beneficial to your health in teas.  In fact the more often you drink tea, the more it will enhance your health.  One of the strongest healthy elements of tea are called polyphenols, which are a strong anti-oxidant.  Anti-oxidants are said to slow the aging process while strengthening the immune system.

Lipopolysaccharides are another component of tea which is said to reduce the harm caused by radiation and other toxins.  Additionally, the caffeine content in tea can help you keep a clear mind and help reduce fatigue.  Another component of tea is fluoride which helps to prevent tooth decay.  Flavonoids in the tea can help to burn off excess fat to help you lose weight.  For more information on the healthy reasons to drink tea, please read our article on The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea on

Tips on Drinking Tea

People throughout the world enjoy teas of all kinds, and China itself has an extensive and unique history of drinking tea.  Here are some tips for drinking tea to enjoy your tea experience to the fullest and to avoid any unpleasant effects of drinking tea.

Do Not Drink Tea While Hungry: Tea causes the suppression of the secretions of gastric juices and can reduce acid and bile in the stomach.  It will also effect the body's absorption of proteins and other nutrients.  Drinking tea while you are hungry will stimulate your gastric mucosa, causing you to lose appetite. 

Never Drink Tea Which Is Too Hot: Drinking tea which is too hot will irritate and inflame your throat, esophagus and stomach lining.  If you drink too hot of tea too often, this can cause permanent scarring and rawness to these areas of your body.

Keep Your Tea Light: Taking your tea too strong will make the brewed tea contain too much caffeine which can easily cause headaches and insomnia as well as irritation and stomach problems, so be sure not to add too many tea leaves or brew it too long or in too hot of water, so that it will not be over-brewed.

Keep Brewing Time As Short As Possible: If a tea is brewed for too long, regardless of the water temperature, the tea liquor will be extremely dark or cloudy and the flavor will be bitter and undrinkable, with little or no aroma.  You will also ruin the nutrients in the tea leaves, such as vitamins, anti-oxidants and amino acids.

Avoid Re-Brewing Your Tea Leaves Too Many Times: Most teas can be brewed only three or four times before losing their flavor and aroma, and some teas, especially flavored teas, should be brewed only once or twice.  Unless the tea is highly fermented such as a Pu-erh tea or a resistant tea such as Oolong tea, which can be re-brewed up to five or six times, you should keep your re-brewing of the same tea leaves to a minimum.

Do Not Drink Excessive Amounts of Tea Before a Meal: If you drink too much tea before a meal it will not only cause the food to feel tasteless, but will also hinder the absorption of protein in the body.  The best rule to go by is to not drink excessive amounts of tea for about a half hour before a meal.

Don't Drink Tea Immediately Following a Meal: The same rule applies to drinking tea after a meal.  Because the tannic acid in the tea will bind with protein and iron in the food and prevention absorption of these in the body if you drink tea following a meal.  Therefore you should also wait approximately a half hour after eating to partake in your tea.

Do Not Take Medications With Your Tea: The tannic acid in the tea can potentially cause problems with your body absorbing any medications you may have to take.  There is a saying in China that states, “tea makes medicine fail”, so it is not wise to take your medication while drinking tea.

Only Drink Freshly Brewed Tea: If you by accident leave your tea sitting out overnight or for a long time, discard the tea without drinking it.  There are no vitamins left in tea left sitting for a long time, and tea can easily grow bacteria if left out overnight, which can actually be very dangerous to your body.  For this reason you should only drink freshly brewed teas.  For more information on how to use it, please read Teavivre's article.

If you follow the advice and tips on drinking tea above, it will ensure that you have an excellent tea experience with the most delicious and nutritional tea to benefit your body, while pleasing your palate.

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