Thistle Dew!

Gift Tree Delivery Information

Wondering how your Gift Trees will ship or when they will arrive? All the details are below.

Packaging & Storage

  • Gift Trees are individually packaged in 12"-14" recyclable poly tubes. They are then packed together in a heavy cardboard box clearly labeled as LIVE TREES for shipping.
  • When your trees arrive, keep them in a cool, dark, dry environment until they are planted. Your refrigerator is an ideal place. (Your tree labels will have more information about this.)
  • Shipping box dimensions vary based on size of order. Orders of over 100 trees will be sent in multiple boxes.

    Tree quantityBox size
    73-10018" x 18" x 16"
    31-7215" x 15" x 15"
    25-3010" x 10" x 15"
    115" x 2" x 2"


  • Your Gift Trees will be shipped via USPS Ground from Thistle Dew! Farms to arrive approximately 1–2 days prior to your event date. This ensures that the trees are healthy for your event.
  • Most Gift Tree orders are shipped via USPS so they’re guaranteed to arrive during the business week. USPS deliveries to commercial addresses will require a signature.
  • Orders placed 7 business days prior to the shipment date (10 days from the event date) will incur an expedited shipping charge of 60¢ per tree.

If you have questions or need to make special shipping arrangements, please contact us at or 865-361-9459.

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