Thistle Dew!

Where can Gift Trees be shipped?

Within the United States, Gift Trees can be shipped year-round to any of the contiguous 48 states and Alaska. Due to live plant import and export regulations, we aren’t able to ship to Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico or other countries.

  • When will my Gift Trees be shipped, and when will they arrive?

    We’ll ship your Gift Trees early the week of your event, and you will receive them a day or two prior to your event. Shipping is handled this way to guarantee that the trees will be in great condition.

    If you receive them earlier than that, they’ll need to be stored—and keeping the trees looking good will take extra effort. Let us worry about caring for the trees so you can focus on other details of your event.

  • How will my Gift Trees be shipped?

    Most Gift Tree orders are shipped via USPS so that they’re guaranteed to arrive during the business week. USPS deliveries to commercial addresses will require a signature.

  • I have an event in less than 2 weeks. Can I still order Gift Trees?

    If you need your trees within just a few days, please call member services at 865-361-9459 or email Rush charges will apply, as will charges for any other specials shipping requests.

  • Can I get express shipping?

    Absolutely. Gift Trees are shipped via USPS, and ground shipping is included in the applicable standard shipping and handling charge. Gift Trees can be shipped using UPS Next Day Air, 2nd Day, or 3 Day Select service at your request, and we’ll bill your credit card for the expedited shipping charges.

  • Can I have Gift Trees individually mailed?

  • Yes! Gift Trees make a big impact when shipped individually. We’ll mail them via USPS to your list of addressees, and you can opt to include a message or logo on a special label or insert a brochure or other information. If you choose this option, please email your mailing list to after placing your order.

    Individually mailed Gift Trees are $10.00, and the price includes the tree, tube, cardboard mailer and postage. Custom label and service charges will apply as appropriate.

    How does shipping work if I’m traveling to my wedding site?

    We can ship your Gift Trees directly to your wedding venue for no additional charge. With a little advance notice, most hotels and reception halls will store your Gift Trees in the cooler until you ask for them. This way, your Gift Tree favors are one less detail to worry about.

  • Can I (or my guests) bring Gift Trees on a flight?

    The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) states that Gift Trees pose no problem when carried on board domestic flights. We recommend, though, that travelers pack them in their checked luggage when traveling to California, Arizona, Hawaii or Alaska. These states have more restrictive live plant regulations.

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